Stampin’ Up!’s Online Extravaganza Starts today and goes until November 30th! So stock up on your favorite Crafting items for your Family and Friends. Or just for yourself. After all you deserve a little Holiday Present too!
Here are the basics of the online Extravaganza:
- Dates: November 23-30, 2015
- Two 24-hour flash sales for specific products will happen during this promotion: one on November 23 and one on November 30.
- Past Paper Pumpkin kits and kit refills in Online Extravaganza are available for purchase by subscribers and non-subscribers.
- There is no minimum purchase necessary for Online Extravaganza. Discounts will range from 20 to 50 percent.
- Additional products from current catalogs may be purchased on the same order
Ready to order? You can place an order HERE. If you order is under $150 use the Hostess Code 2CATZWT3 and I will share a ribbon sampler with you! I love to share hostess benefits with you! Of course if your order is over $150, collect the hostess benefits for yourself and Enjoy!
Happy Shopping!